Delivery & Returns


 We ship worldwide. Our shipping service is fast, professional and includes tracking. International customers are responsible for any and all taxes, duties, or other additional fees associated with the delivery.
 Most of our parts are shipped via UPS, EMS, DHL, and FedEx.There are also instances when our distributor partners may use other carriers.

The items are shipped within 1-4 business days from confirmation of your order. Business days do not include Saturday, Sunday or International holidays. The standard shipping time is 3 to 12 days depending on the size of the package and the delivery location. Goods are shipped from different warehouses at different locations to make it the most convenient for customers.

We ship your order directly to your home, business or to your mechanic to help you get back onto the road as rapidly as possible.


Your satisfaction is our priority. Our goal is for you to be happy with your purchase, even if it means returning it. Send it back within 30 days and you get your money back. All we ask is you send it back in the same condition it was received - complete original packaging and original condition at your own cost and risk. Installed parts returned as defective or wrong, without prior approval by our staff, will not be refunded.  Parts returned after 30 days will not be refunded.  No exceptions
 We are not responsible for missing, damaged, or incorrect parts after 30 business days, regardless of the party at fault.  We accept no responsibility for loss or damage in return transit and reserve the right to deny a refund or exchange for any item not meeting the above criteria.
All return merchandise shipping charges shall be prepaid by the customer. All shipping or freight charges both ways are the full responsibility of the customer and are not refundable.

Incorrect Part Ordered by the Buyer

If the incorrect product is ordered by the buyer, the buyer must contact us within seven days of receipt of the Product and complete a Return Request. On approval of the Return Request and receipt of the incorrect Product back into our store, we may refund the price paid for the Product. The shipping cost for returning the incorrect Product will be paid by the Buyer. The incorrect Product must be returned in new condition in its original packaging.
If a replacement product is required, the buyer may complete a new order for the correct Product and the new order will be treated as a separate and new transaction. If the Product is returned and the packaging is damaged or is not in its original new condition, the refund will not be processed. If the incorrect Product is not one usually kept in stock and has been ordered in especially for the Buyer, the freight cost of returning the incorrect Product may be deducted from the amount refunded.

In some circumstances, a refund cannot be processed until we have returned the incorrect part to its supplier and received confirmation from its supplier that a refund will be given to us for the part. You can expect your refund within 14 days after we receive your return request. The time varies depending on how long it takes for the manufacturer to approve the return. Upon approval, we will then credit the refund and you will receive a “credit approved” email.